Interesting Facts/LINKS
Did you know...
1. Our oldest living relative is: Maudesta Hawthorne at 89 Born
on July 5th.
2. Our youngest living relative is: Zoi Tania Ford(J1A2C), born
March 27th 2006 to Creigh & Regina Ford of Denver, CO.
3. Our relative living the furthest away from *Temple Texas is:
Reva & Tim Teamer living in Germany.
4. Our relative that had the most children is: Pete & Nanny
Moreland with 12 children.
5. We have 96 family members on our email address list.
6. We have two sets of twins in our family: Morine Hall & Marine
Thompson, and Keith & Kevin Hyson
7. We have 22 recipes on our family recipe page.
8. Did you know that all of Henry Johnson's children were born on
the same day of the month...the 16th.
9. Maurice Hyson and his son were born on the same day...July
* Note: We have chosen Temple Texas as being the point of reference for the person living the farthest away because that is where Pete and Nanny lived last and started our roots.
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